I Will Go With You

Christian MölkFriend of Strangers Leave a Comment

Joseph is born as the eleventh son of the patriarch Jacob[i] and grows up as a spoiled brat.[ii] When Joseph’s brothers see how their father loves him more than them, they begin to hate him[iii] and sell him as a slave to Egypt[iv] and trick Jacob into believing that Joseph had been eaten by a wild animal: [v]

28 Then Midianite traders passed by. And they drew Joseph up and lifted him out of the pit, and sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver. They took Joseph to Egypt.”

(Ge 37:28)

But despite his involuntary misfortune, Joseph, after a bit of trial and error,[vi] does quite well in Egypt. God was with Joseph and everything that he did the Lord made successful.[vii]

Joseph even does so well that Pharaoh makes him number two in the whole kingdom and puts him “over all the land of Egypt”.[viii] Compared to Sweden today, you could say that if Pharaoh was king, Joseph was prime minister.

God reveals to Joseph that there will be “seven years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt” and then “seven years of famine, and all the plenty will be forgotten in the land of Egypt”.[ix]

During the seven good years, Joseph collects “all the food” and stores them in the cities,[x] so that they can be distributed during the seven years of famine.[xi]

But because the famine did not only affect Egypt, hungry people from all over the world came to Joseph in Egypt to buy grain: [xii]

57 Moreover, all the earth came to Egypt to Joseph to buy grain, because the famine was severe over all the earth. ”

(Ge 41:57)

Through God’s guidance, Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt to buy grain and after some drama, the family is reunited and settles in Egypt.[xiii] But before Joseph’s father Jacob leaves for Egypt, God speaks to him in a vision in the night:

3 Then he said, “I am God, the God of your father. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make you into a great nation. 4I myself will go down with you to Egypt, and I will also bring you up again, and Joseph’s hand shall close your eyes.””

(Ge 46:3-4)

In times of need, God is with his people, even accompanying them on their migration, and promising to bring them back when the time is right. God arranges for Egypt to invite Israel as a welcome guest in their land.

In conclusion, we can see that Joseph began his life in Egypt as a slave and a stranger, but God raised him up to become the supreme political leader of his new country. Joseph was a “society builder” who used his gifts from God to work for the good of his new country. When there is a global famine, Joseph welcomes affected climate refugees from other countries to Egypt and provides them with food. In the midst of all the distress, alienation and flight, God is there to bless his people so that they can rebuild their new country as well as provide aid to their old one.

You have read a free chapter of my book Friend of Strangers. If you like this book, please consider purchasing the ebook through Amazon. Since English is not my native language, there may be some linguistic inaccuracies. Please contact me if you find any.

Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

[i] Ge 30:22–24

[ii] Ge 37:3

[iii] Ge 37:4

[iv] Ge 37:28

[v] Ge 37:31–33

[vi] Ge 39:20

[vii] Ge 39:1–6

[viii] Ge 41:40–41

[ix] Ge 41:29–30

[x] Ge 41:47–48

[xi] Ge 41:56

[xii] Ge 41:57

[xiii] Ge 46:5–7

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