Hag 2:21 The first message that Haggai received from God on this day was addressed to all the people, but this second message is only addressed to Zerubbabel the governor. That God will shake “heaven and earth” indicates that everything will change. God will execute a divine judgment on foreign kingdoms which will result in them losing their kingdoms and …
Haggai 2:11-20 – Blessing
Hag 2:11 To be precise, this is December 18 in 520 BC. Hag 2:12 God urges the prophet to ask the priests what the Torah (the Law, the five books of Moses) says about ritual purity and impurity. Even if the cloak that has touched holy flesh becomes holy, that which touches the cloak does not become holy. A sick …
Haggai 2:7-10 – The Glory of the New Temple
Hag 2:7 God shaking the heavens and the earth is a recurring description of the “day of the Lord”, which means that when the time comes, God will deal with the unrighteous, judge them and restore those who have faithfully followed God. When Jesus returns to earth, it says, “29“Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be …
Haggai 2:2-6 – Be Bold and Work
Hag 2:2 On October 17, 520 B.C., a month after the temple construction had begun, Haggai receives another message. Hag 2:4 It was 70 years between the destruction of the first temple and the dedication of the second temple, so there were still some elders left who had seen the beautiful and stately Temple of Solomon. Of these, Ezra 3:12 …
Haggai 1:12-2:1 – The People Obey the Lord
Hag 1:12 “Quarrel” is an expression often applied to the righteous of the people of Israel who survived God’s judgment. The Kvarlevan were not bad people, they had left the comfort of Babylon to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple. Many other Jews had stayed in Babylon because they were better off there. Noah and his family were the …
Haggai 1:1-11 – The Command to Rebuild the Temple
Hag 1:1 King Darius was the Persian king who ruled over large parts of the Middle East, including Judah and Jerusalem. To be precise, the date is August 29 in 520 BC. The background to Haggai’s prophecies can be found 66 years earlier. The Jewish people, after a devastating defeat in war with the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, have been carried …