1. Created in the image of God God originally created man in his “image”. God wants to have a loving fellowship with us, and initially man had a peaceful existence in Paradise. But when man was tempted by the Devil to sin, and fell to temptation, sin entered the world and became a tragic part of humanity, resulting in death, …
Luke 15:11-32 – The Parable of the Prodigal Son
Luke 15:11-16 This amazing symbolic story is an educational illustration of God’s relationship with a rebellious man who leaves God for sin. In the story, the “father” symbolizes God, the “son” the rebellious sinner, and the “brother” the faithful parishioner. Asking his father for his share of the inheritance while he was still alive was like saying: “Father, I wish …
Luke 9:18-22 – Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ
Luke 9:18 Did Jesus pray with his disciples? Or had Jesus withdrawn to pray quietly when they came to disturb him? Unfortunately, the text does not say. For a leader in the Kingdom of God, it is important to find time for quiet prayer. Exactly where, when or how you pray is very individual, but praying is very important. A …
Mark 8:27-30 – Peter’s Confession
Mark 8:27 John the Baptist, because he preached repentance. Jesus also preached repentance, but he was much greater than John the Baptist. Elijah, because he did many miracles. Jesus also did many miracles, but he was much greater than Elijah. Prophet, because he conveyed the word of God. Jesus also conveyed the word of God, but he was much greater …