Mark 3:13
- It is always better to be chosen by God for a task than to appoint oneself to that task.
Mark 3:14
- The number twelve is symbolic and corresponds to the twelve tribes of Israel.
- Twelve apostles and twelve tribes symbolize “all”.
- The word “apostle” means “sent” and is a title that also indicates mission.
- A disciple should not only read and study but also practice.
- The same mission and authority that Jesus himself had he passes on to his disciples.
- Even today, Jesus’ disciples have the power to cast out demons.
- When Jesus was born a man, he took on the form of a “servant when he became a man” (Phil 2:6-8), thus making himself voluntarily dependent on his Father to know what he should do (John 5:19) and dependent on the Holy Spirit to do what the Father commanded (Acts 10:38).
- Jesus showed his disciples that they too can listen to their Father and they too can do what the Father commands through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Even today we can imitate Jesus by listening to the Father and letting the Holy Spirit perform the miracles the Father wants to do.