What Does the Bible say About Alcohol?

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In the Bible, wine is often a positive thing that brings joy and is a sign of blessing. However, for those who want to draw closer to the Lord, the Bible urges abstaining from wine and other strong drinks. Jesus himself drank wine, miraculously turned water into wine, instituted the Lord’s Supper with wine as a reminder of his death …

What Does the Bible Say About Heaven?

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Heaven is God’s holy dwelling place where God’s perfect will reigns and where God has his throne and is worshipped by angels around the clock. Heaven is full of God’s light, joy and peace, and there is no death, sorrow, sin, weeping or torment. Thanks to Jesus’ death on the cross, believers from all nations and peoples of the earth …

What Does the Bible Say About Hell?

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The Hebrew word “Sheol” and the Greek word “Hades” are used in the Old and New Testaments respectively to describe the “kingdom of death”, where all people go after death to await the Day of Judgment and the Resurrection. In the New Testament, the word “Gehenna” is used to refer to hell after Judgment Day. Gehenna is another word for …

What Does the Bible Say About the Millennial Kingdom?

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The Old Testament prophesies of a future era when God will intervene in history and establish his eternal kingdom with the Messiah as king. This messianic age is characterized by righteousness, justice, peace, the outpouring of the Spirit and the restoration of God’s people and creation. With the coming of Jesus to earth, the kingdom of God has already come …

What Does the Bible Say About the Resurrection?

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As a confirmation of Jesus’ divinity, Jesus rose from the dead. The body of Jesus after the resurrection was a real body of flesh and blood, but still different in that the disciples sometimes had difficulty recognizing Jesus and he could suddenly and miraculously appear in a locked room. After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples and then ascended …