Apostasy means that a person who previously professed faith abandons or denies his or her faith. According to the Bible, the end times will be marked by apostasy, and believers are urged to persevere and hold on to their faith or risk missing out on heaven. If, against all odds, you have fallen away from your faith in Jesus, you …
What Does the Bible Say About the Signs of the Times?
Signs of the times are those events that signal that a new time is imminent. For example, in the context of the birth of Jesus, the virgin birth and the star that showed the wise men the way to Jesus was a sign of the times. Some of the signs of the times that, as they become more frequent, signal …
What Does the Bible Say About the Latter Days?
The “end” time is the time between the ascension of Jesus and the return of Jesus. The “latter” time, also known as “The Great Tribulation”, is the last years of the end times. The entire end times will be marked by false messiahs, rumors of war, famine, earthquakes, persecution of Christians, false prophets, lawlessness, and global mission. These signs of …
What Does the Bible Say About War?
In the Old Covenant, God allowed war and killing under certain circumstances, such as capital punishment for certain crimes or war to take the land of Canaan. But in the New Covenant, the conditions are completely different in that a person who comes to faith in Jesus goes from belonging to the Kingdom of the World to being born again …
What Does the Bible Say About Tithes?
In the Old Covenant, God instructed Israel to give 10% of their harvest and livestock to the Lord. The money collected went to the Levites (i.e., the priests who served at the Temple), to the poor and to the celebration of religious festivals. But giving of one’s money to the Lord’s work was something Abraham did even before the Old …
What Does the Bible Say About Mission?
The word “mission” is Latin and means “sent out”, like the Greek “apostello”, from which the word “apostle” comes. Mission is the sharing of the good news of God’s salvation. God has sent various people and groups to bring his message to the world, such as prophets, Israel, the Messiah, and the Church. The message is conveyed partly by witnessing …
What Does the Bible Say About the Lord’s Supper?
Communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper, the breaking of bread and Eucharist (thanksgiving), is a ceremony instituted by Jesus on Holy Thursday in conjunction with the Jewish Passover meal. The Lord’s Supper is originally a “love meal” in which believers gather to eat together, with the bread of the meal symbolizing the body of Christ and the wine symbolizing …
What Does the Bible Say About Christian Unity?
God’s plan is to reconcile all people to himself and to gather all his children into a loving fellowship. This communion is a reflection of the unity between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and is manifested above all in the Church, the family and the Lord’s Supper. All believers are brought together in the Body of Christ …
What Does the Bible Say About the Christian Fellowship?
God is gathering people from all nations and languages into a new people with faith in Jesus as the common denominator. The believer is born again into the family of God and is filled with God’s Holy Spirit. Because every believer has his or her sins forgiven and is reconciled with God, they now want to show the same mercy …
What Does the Bible Say About Baptism?
The word “baptism” comes from the Greek word “baptizo” and means “to dip”, “to lower”, “to immerse” or “to enclose” and is a word that was used to sink ships into the sea. Just as Jesus died with our sins and then rose again, so we symbolically bury our old sinful life in the waters of baptism and rise to …