Psalm 4 – Answer Me When I Call

Christian MölkPsalms Leave a Comment

Ps 4:2 When you and I pray, how often do we insist that God answer? My personal experience is that more often than not, we just present our prayer topics to God and then hope that he answers at least something. David begins his psalm with “Answer me.” David doesn’t just pray for the sake of praying, David prays his …

Psalm 1 – The Way of the Righteous and the Wicked

Christian MölkPsalms Leave a Comment

Ps 1:1 The word “blessed” is “esher” in Hebrew and means something like “happy” and “content” and is closely related to the Hebrew word “ashar” which means “to be straight”. The Christian life is often compared to a “road” (Acts 9:2) and being “blessed” means staying on the road and going “straight”, avoiding both ditches and moving forward. To be …