1Sam 10:1 Saul was chosen by God to be king over Israel and leader of God’s people. Even you and I can receive a mission from God. In general, all Christians are commissioned to tell people about Jesus and spread the kingdom of God, but God can also call each of us to specific individual tasks. How do I know …
1 Sam 8:1-22 – Israel Demands a King
1Sam 8:1-3 Until this time, Israel had not had a king, but had been ruled by judges from time to time. Throughout Samuel’s adult life, he has served as Israel’s leader, but now he has grown old and tried to pass on the leadership to his sons. The difference between a judge and a king was that a judge was …
1 Sam 7:1-17 – Samuel Judges Israel
1Sam 7:1 The ark of the Lord was a gilded chest that contained, among other things, the stone tablets with the commandments (Exodus 25:10-22). Many other peoples around Israel carried various symbols of their gods with them when they went into battle, and unfortunately Israel imitated this when they believed that they would be victorious as long as they carried …
1 Sam 3:1-21 – The Lord Calls Samuel
1Sam 3:1 The boy Samuel grows up with the priest Eli because his mother Hannah was actually barren but miraculously became pregnant. Since Hannah had been given her child by God, she chose to give Samuel back to God and thus let him grow up among the priests (1 Sam 1). In the same way, today we should also hand …
1 Sam 1:19-28 – Hannah Receives Samuel and Gives Him to the Lord
1Sam 1:20 From something small, something great can be born. Hannah could not have children, but she turned to God and her prayer was answered. Do you have a grief or a problem? Leave your problem to God. Then God will bless you. The name Samuel means “heard by God”. 1Sam 1:22 Hannah stands by her promise to God and …
1 Sam 1:8-18 – Hannah’s Desperate Prayer
1Sam 1:8 Elkana probably tries to be nice and comforts Hannah by saying “Why are you sad, you have me?” Not only was Hannah childless and bullied, she was also misunderstood by her husband. 1Sam 1:10 Hannah found herself in a very difficult situation, and when things are at their worst, she does the right thing; she turns to God …
1 Sam 1:1-7 – Elkanah’s family
1Sam 1:1 Ramathaim-Sophim was located on a hill about 4 miles north of Jerusalem and may be the Arimathea from which Joseph of Arimathea came (Mark 15:43). The prophet Samuel is born into a very difficult period in Israel’s history, between the time of Judges and the time of Kings, about 3000 years ago. The Philistines had immigrated from the …
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