1Sam 1:20 From something small, something great can be born. Hannah could not have children, but she turned to God and her prayer was answered. Do you have a grief or a problem? Leave your problem to God. Then God will bless you. The name Samuel means “heard by God”. 1Sam 1:22 Hannah stands by her promise to God and …
1 Sam 1:1-7 – Elkanah’s family
1Sam 1:1 Ramathaim-Sophim was located on a hill about 4 miles north of Jerusalem and may be the Arimathea from which Joseph of Arimathea came (Mark 15:43). The prophet Samuel is born into a very difficult period in Israel’s history, between the time of Judges and the time of Kings, about 3000 years ago. The Philistines had immigrated from the …