1Sam 1:20 From something small, something great can be born. Hannah could not have children, but she turned to God and her prayer was answered. Do you have a grief or a problem? Leave your problem to God. Then God will bless you. The name Samuel means “heard by God”. 1Sam 1:22 Hannah stands by her promise to God and …
1 Sam 1:8-18 – Hannah’s Desperate Prayer
1Sam 1:8 Elkana probably tries to be nice and comforts Hannah by saying “Why are you sad, you have me?” Not only was Hannah childless and bullied, she was also misunderstood by her husband. 1Sam 1:10 Hannah found herself in a very difficult situation, and when things are at their worst, she does the right thing; she turns to God …
1 Sam 1:1-7 – Elkanah’s family
1Sam 1:1 Ramathaim-Sophim was located on a hill about 4 miles north of Jerusalem and may be the Arimathea from which Joseph of Arimathea came (Mark 15:43). The prophet Samuel is born into a very difficult period in Israel’s history, between the time of Judges and the time of Kings, about 3000 years ago. The Philistines had immigrated from the …