Mark 16:14 It was difficult for the disciples to believe that Jesus had risen unless they saw it for themselves. But in doing so, they learned what it’s like for everyone else who hasn’t seen Jesus with their own eyes. Mark 16:15 Jesus here gives a command that the church must obey. Preaching the gospel is not a leisure activity …
Mark 16:1-8 – The Resurrection
Mark 16:2 The women could not take care of Jesus’ body on Saturday because it was forbidden to work on the Sabbath. But as soon as they had the chance, they went to the tomb. Mark 16:3-4 According to Matthew, there was a guard guarding the tomb (Matthew 27:65-66) and there was an angel who rolled away the stone (Matthew …
Mark 15:42-47 – Jesus Is Buried
Mark 15:42-43 Joseph was a member of the Great Council, the Sanhedrin, but had not agreed to kill Jesus (Luke 23:51) because he was a disciple of Jesus in secret (John 19:38). Interestingly, the president of the disciples, the outspoken leader Peter, confesses to everyone that he will never abandon Jesus, but when the heat is on, he flees. Instead, …
Mark 15:33-41 – The Death of Jesus
Mark 15:33 When Jesus had hung on the cross for three hours, the whole land was covered with darkness, as predicted by several prophets (Amos 8:9-19). The Roman historian Phlegon also mentions a solar eclipse at the time of Jesus’ crucifixion. Mark 15:34 Jesus quotes Psalm 22, a psalm that is bursting with references to Jesus and the cross. Jesus, …
Mark 15:21-32 – The Crucifixion
Mark 15:21 Cyrene was a city in North Africa that had a relatively large Jewish population (Acts 2:10). Simon was probably visiting Jerusalem to celebrate Easter with his countrymen. The fact that his two sons are mentioned by name indicates that they belonged to the disciples (Rom 16:13). The Romans used to let the one to be crucified carry his …
Mark 15:16-20 – Jesus Is Mocked
Mark 15:17 The soldiers mockingly dress Jesus as a king and greet him as they greeted the Roman emperor. Jesus wearing the crown of thorns symbolizes that he bears the curse that mankind had to bear because of Adam’s sin (Genesis 3:17-18). Mark 15:19 According to John, the Romans scourged Jesus (John 19:1). When the Romans scourged those who were …
Mark 15:1-15 – Jesus Before Pilate
Mark 15:1 Pilate was the Roman governor of the occupied province of Judea from 26-36 AD. Pilate had his headquarters in Caesarea but stayed in Jerusalem during the feasts of the Jews. The Jewish people were occupied by the Romans and had no right to condemn anyone to death so the Great Council is so badly forced to hand Jesus …
Mark 14:66-72 – Peter Denies Jesus
Mark 14:70-71 It was brave of Peter to follow Jesus from a distance, but at the same time it is never a good idea to follow Jesus from a distance, because then one can easily fall when difficulties come. Peter swears that he does not know Jesus, trying to convince his accusers that God will punish him if he does …
Mark 14:53-65 – Jesus Before the Council
Mark 14:53 Jesus was interrogated three times by the religious courts and three times by the political courts. The Jews had no right to carry out the death penalty and therefore had to bring the Romans into line (John 18:31). Mark 14:55-56 The Jewish leadership had long since decided to get Jesus out of the way (Mark 3:6) and had …
Mark 14:43-52 – Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus
Mark 14:44 Those who seized Jesus were both Roman soldiers (John 18:12) and Jewish temple guards (Luke 22:52). Greeting someone with a kiss was a common greeting that showed both respect and affection (Romans 16:16). Since Judas had to point out Jesus with a kiss, Jesus must surely have looked normal enough to be indistinguishable from the other disciples. From …